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The Beginning of Age Of Extinction

Gondwa. It was once home to a tribe of proud and mighty people. These people thrived on the blessings showered upon them by the two guardian deities whom of which rule over Gondwa and the isle itself to which it resided.

As the people grew and flourished, they built six shrines across the islands to show their devotion to these deities as thanks for their continued blessings. It was the tribe's belief that should they honor the deities of both land, air and sea that their people would continue to be blessed and their resource abundance would continue to thrive for generations to come.

Thrive they did. Many generations of the people came and went, the rich history of their existence on the island passed down through oral tradition during celebrational days. In the course of time, two travelers from a far arrived seeking better resources for their own tribe. The people never having seen others like themselves, thought these two travelers as their deities in flesh.

The some of the people showered them with praises and offerings, instead of sending such things to the shrines. After all, why worship at the shrines when your deities were right there in the flesh. The others however, had doubts keeping to the traditions passed down. 
All the while, the real guardian deities slowly faded into the shadows cast by the false Gods. This slight enraged them, incurring their wrath upon the people that would dare thumb their noses at the benevolence of the two, while those that continued the tradition were spared from their wrath.


In their rage, the deities cursed the very land they ruled over. The people, none the wiser, knew not of the change to the land nor what the deities had in store for their future. The 'disease' ravaged the traitorous tribes people over the course of the next few weeks. It began with their infants; their soft supple flesh turning scale like and their limbs morphing to disproportionate sizes. Their little bodies soon shifting to become that of unrecognizable creatures. The mothers mourned for their babes as they left what they believe to be diseased ridden infants out in the trees for the wilderness to claim.


Next came chaos. The disease spread like wildfire through Teutonia.


The wilderness had become filled with ailing people who had been left to the wild the moment they began to show signs of scaling flesh. Their painfilled cries and bellows as they underwent the transformation overtook the natural song of nature over the course of three weeks. Those who were spared, did not know how to handle the change overtaking their tribe and families.

All it took was four weeks to twist and mold the bodies of the islanders into the beasts of old. Four weeks for the deities' curse to overtake the people. One month and the people of Teutonia were no more. Over the centuries, those who were spared grew and e
volved, trying to come up with ways to help or even cure this disease, passing their findings onto their descendants we know today. 


Gondwa today has been split into four regions to help better our research;

The Northern Region or Red Zone
The Eastern Region or Orange Zone
The Western Region or Green Zone
Lastly, The Central Region or Grey Zone


Welcome to Age Of Extinction...

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