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»»————- Basic Dinosaur Info: ————-««

English Name: Quetzalcoatl

Category: Apex

Passive Growth Times:
         ❑ Hatchling - Adult: 1H 30M
         ❑ Juvi - Adult: 1H 15M

Gander Sizes:
         ❑ Normal Gander: 15 Subadult/Adults, 10 offspring below sub

         ❑ Hunting & Defense Party: 2 subadults/adults can hunt or defend at a time.

Sexual Dimorphism:
         ❑ Males have brighter crest colors

Nesting Limits:
        ❑ Spring & Summer: 3 eggs per female every 1H

»»————- Behavior & Aggression ————-««

        ❑ This species is highly vocal and love to make their presence known with loud broadcasts. They love to hang around the cliffs by the oceans, where they can scan for their favorite food source, the Thalasso. They have been known to travel inland in order to snatch up the young of unsuspecting dinosaurs for an easy meal.

        ❑ Despite its large size, Quetz is a rather docile creature, though it does have its mood swings and can go from docile to aggressive in the blink of an eye making it a rather unpredictable creature.

        ❑ These giants of the sky are highly aggressive towards their smaller cousins the Thalasso, and won't hesitate to knock them out of the skies for an easy meal. Their aggression towards them will even go as far as them killing chicks within their nests by pushing or dropping them off cliff edges. The Quetz is a very good parent, tending to the needs of their young to the extent of even sacrificing their own health in order to make sure their chicks survive. This is not always the case though as sneaky Thalassos will often kill young Quetz chicks and lay their own eggs in the nest for the Quetz to raise for them unknowingly.

        ❑ Activity Schedule: active during the day hours 

❑ Biome: roam all regions of the land, though prefer to roost on the cliff sides near the ocean where their main food source the Thalasso tend to inhabit.

More information will be added as we continue to study this species

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